In 2018 I woke up one day and I was like .... "Wow I should totally just make it World Free Hugs Day on my birthday...that would be hilarious and awesome..." and then I did.
As documented through the ongoing lore of Paradigm Shift Central, I have been doing Free Hugs for many eons. The power of a hug is huge. You literally can't spell huge without hug, therefore I am sure you understand what I mean! Though that said, being able to invite people to do Free Hugs on my birthday is an awesome way to hype things up for the purpose of collective inspiration!
I also like the idea that on someones birthday it is neat when that person gives other people gifts. (Talk about a paradigm shift!) That is why being able to do Free Hugs synchronized on my birthday is a great way to be like "Thanks for the birthday wishes! Please go spread that love even further!"
As a birthday wish I simply wish for each and everyone one of us to continue to do the little things that make the big difference. To use our creativity and compassion to help others see the light within themselves. To make meaningful connections, plant seeds, build community, and accelerate the shift.
It means alot to me to know that there are people out there doing Free Hugs not just in my honour, but in our honour, our legacy, as a team!
This year for 2019 I wanted to help upgrade things even more, which is why I have introduced the hashtag #FreeHugsForever !
The intention of course being to utilize my birthday of July 18 as a jump point for even MORE FREE HUGS! MUAHAHAH! Naturally so of course. A core element of the NEW gamification elements for Paradigm Shift Central is about encouraging people as well as giving them the additional tools through the Shifter Booster Kits, which include the Shift Buttons and laminated apocalypse proof Free Hugs signs. Game wise - when people give someone a button and it takes them to the main website - that person has the option to enter the persons name who gave it to them. When they do - that person gets a point! The people with the top points at the end of each month with a special prize!
Free Hugs are portals. When we work along side the synchronistic nature of community we can utilize the opportunity along with additional tools to help make meaningful impact and lasting connections. It blows my mind to think about how there are THOUSANDS of Shift Buttons floating around out there in the matrix. Ones made yeaaars ago still yield the power of ones today. As they make their way around the world on the backpacks, hoodies, and sometimes hats. It warms my heart to be able to see people get so excited about getting Shift Buttons and then being able to share the joy further by passing them on to people they meet. I have heard many stories about how Shift Buttons have changed lives by help spark connections and conversations.
And so... with another birthday, another day of World Free Hugs, let us continue to ride this wave of inspiration further into the future! Use the #FreeHugsForever for your posts on Instagram and tag me @MysticSpiderman and @Paradigm.Shift.Central.
Free Hugs today. Free Hugs tomorrow... Free Hugs Forever!!!
Join in this ongoing interactive game of helping change the world and take part in the new gamification elements within Paradigm Shift Central to help serve as additional incentive for real world engagement.
Order your Shift Buttons and Free Hugs signs at
Support on Patreon for your reusable 25%+ Discount Key at
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- Wolf-Shield