Paradigm Shift Central is created to serve as an intentional portal for inspirational conscious media designed to help accelerate the collective shift in consciousness. The projects helps by connecting people as community, inspiring creativity, promoting compassion, encouraging real world action, helping activate people as leaders, and awakening them to their potential as multi-dimensional beings within this shared dream reality.
The project began in 2009 and was started by Brendon Culliton as a single club in his school while attending for Media Theory and Production. Brendon is an award-winning Canadian media creator who is also known as Skull Babylon, Wolf-Shield, and Mystic Spiderman. He has been dedicated to creating an overarching narrative to help bring community together and assemble a potent team of other conscious media creators and community leaders. Through the ongoing evolution of the project it serves by showcasing the media work of community members, functioning as a hub for collaboration, and helping inspire people in choosing to be the change they wish to see in the world. The project is also created to help assist content creators in expanding their audience and increasing their impact, growing their individual brands, and supporting them in being leaders to help spark other leaders.
Members of the global audience who are engaged with the project are known as Shifters or Light Guardians. As part of a bigger narrative taking place across space and time, Shifters help create new realities through intentional acts of creativity and compassion. They hack the matrix with love.
Shifters are encouraged to continue to level themselves up on their paths toward self-mastery within this game of shifting consciousness . In addition to creating their own media documenting the shift from their perspective, and engaging in acts of Shiftivism - such as Free Hugs, they are also encouraged to organize local conscious community meet up events through the creation of their own Paradigm Shift Communities which function as branches of the global network.
For those reading these words right now - you too are invited to consider yourself a Shifter and Light Guardian within this bigger story of helping accelerate the shift and bring the many back to the round table. By engaging with the community on multiple levels, taking real world action where you are and by having the courage the be compassionate, together our collective efforts make a difference as we lead by example and continue to inspire others along the way.
The Shift is Us.
Stay synched up with the ongoing real world story and be a part of it by checking for updates for new content throughout the week and tuning into ongoing live broadcasts here on ParadigmShiftCentral.com
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And Youtube at
Paradigm Shift Central is made possible by community support.
Contributions are always welcome by joining the Patreon with a monthly donation at www.patreon.com/BrendonCulliton
Or by sending single donations on PayPal at
Furthermore, you can also support by placing orders for exclusive project items at
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